I watched CNBC's "House of Cards" tonight. It ran for 2 hours and was aimed at explaining away the recession that the we find ourselves in.
If you filter the melodramatic exclamations the host makes after each and every sentence, you get the picture how this whole sub-prime mortgage led to the current situation(I didn't even know what that meant until today). Now I can throw terms like MBS and CDO too. Unfortunately that's about all I know about finance.
I had learned my lesson about greed when I was about 7 or 8 I think. I can still clearly remember that night. I was staying at my uncles place that day. They had left me with their kids while they had to go on an errand. We were mostly watching cartoons and playing. They came home about 7pm and brought dinner with them. It was my favourite, Puri and Kazhangu(Puri's the smaller version of Batura and Kazhangu is a gravy made from potato, onion and some other stuff). Writing about it makes my mouth water. :). Anyway, I was being selfish and not leaving enough for my cousins. My aunt got really mad and of course, I started crying. She started to explain how everything feels better when you share it with others. She then made me give food back to my cousins and (I can still picture my cousins faces) and made my cousins thank me. As she had said, it felt pretty good. From then on, it became a habit.
She's coming to America this summer for her son's graduation. I should ask her to give that talk to the Wall Street big shots.
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